
US and Canada Transborder Prospecting

In an ever growing world where technology is key, one should never forget the importance of generating sales through phone lines as it adds a personal touch to a growing impersonal world

Scripts and tips to guide you through U.S. & Canada Prospecting:

United States Prospecting

Hello (prospect name), my name is (your name); I’m with Frontier Supply Chain Solutions.

Our firm specializes in Canadian based logistics programs.

Would you be the person I would talk to?

What are company attempts to do is analyze your supply chain to Canada to see if we can improve on what you are doing. 

We try to improve service levels, decrease costs and grow your Canadian sales through our logistics program

I have worked with companies like Donaldson, Keystone & Maytag (depending on industry & region)

 (Possibly explain Donaldson success story or Keystone)

Customer Benefit

  • Improves Sales
  • Reduces Costs
  • Quick delivery to Canada
  • No need for warehousing, eliminate double inventory
  • Reduced costs for shipper and Canadian

The Close: Ask for what you want:

(Do not expect that your prospect will know what you want, or guess what you want, or offer what you want… It is your job to ask, clearly and precisely.)

May I ask how you ship to Canada?  (Wait for Answer)

Do you ship Parcel Shipments with UPS or Fed Ex?

How many?

Do you ship LTL or TL?

How many?

Are shipments prepaid or collect?

How many shipments to Canada do you ship in a day or week?

Do the shipments go direct to Canada?

Where do you sell in Canada?

Are your sales up or down in Canada?

Are there ways to improve to ship to Canada?

As I mentioned earlier we analyze companies shipping to Canada to see if we can point out ways of improving your logistics.  Can you provide us with your shipping history so we can do an analysis?

Once we have the analysis we can come back and present our findings?

Once you have scheduled the meeting, make sure that you confirm the prospect’s name, title, and address. Also make sure she has your name, your company name and telephone number! Repeat the date and time of the meeting at least twice. You want to make sure that you are both talking about the same date. In addition, as you give your prospect your name etc. and when you repeat the meeting date and time use your voice to direct your prospect to write everything down. Speak s-l-o-w-l-y and distinctly at a pace that they can write. Your prospect will interpret this way of speaking as a direction to write. This way they too will have the meeting in their calendar and there should be no mix-ups.

Canadian Prospecting

Hello (prospect name), my name is (your name); I’m with Frontier Supply Chain Solutions.

We specialize in creating logistics programs that improve service levels, decreased costs and grew sales by implementing our logistics programs.

We analyze the supply chain to see if we can improve what you are doing and point out ways of improving it. 

If our analysis can’t improve what you are doing it’ll give you the confidence to know you are doing everything possible and we will do it for free.

Would you be the person I would talk to?

I have worked with companies like Donaldson, Keystone & Maytag (depending on industry & region)

 (Possibly explain Donaldson success story or Keystone)

Customer Benefit

  • Improves Sales
  • Reduces Costs
  • Consolidation capabilities
  • No need for warehousing, eliminate double inventory
  • Reduced costs for shipper and Canadian

The Close Ask for what you want:

(Do not expect that your prospect will know what you want, or guess what you want, or offer what you want… It is your job to ask, clearly and precisely.)

With Canada need to do qualifying on number of questions:

May I ask how you ship to the United States or into Canada?  (Wait for Answer)

Where do your shipments go in Canada or the United States?

Do you ship Parcel Shipments with UPS or Fed Ex?

How many?

Do you ship LTL or TL?

How many?

Are shipments prepaid or collect?

How many shipments to (western or eastern) Canada do you ship in a day or week?

Do the shipments go direct to Canada?

Where do you sell in Canada?

As I mentioned earlier we analyze companies shipping to Canada to see if we can point out ways of improving your logistics.  Can you provide us with your shipping history so we can do an analysis?

Once we have the analysis we can come back and present our findings?

With Canada I need to qualify and then ask for an appointment

Asking for a meeting:

I would like to introduce myself and my firm to you.  Is this (_ _ _ _ day be OK in the morning or afternoon?

Once you have scheduled the meeting, make sure that you confirm the prospect’s name, title, and address. Also make sure she has your name, your company name and telephone number! Repeat the date and time of the meeting at least twice. You want to make sure that you are both talking about the same date. In addition, as you give your prospect your name etc. and when you repeat the meeting date and time use your voice to direct your prospect to write everything down. Speak s-l-o-w-l-y and distinctly at a pace that they can write. Your prospect will interpret this way of speaking as a direction to write. This way they too will have the meeting in their calendar and there should be no mix-ups.

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