
Courier Prospecting Script

Prospecting calls are the simplest, easiest way to gain contact. Make your script simple; courteous and filled with brief questions that the prospect can easily answer, this survey method is a simple non-threatening

Stick with 5 questions or less

The goal is to either qualify, send information or to meet


1) Offer a greeting

2) Introduce yourself and your business

3) Tell the person the purpose of your call

4) Survey questions

5) Thank the person

6) Send a deliverable in the form of an e-mail, Thank You note by mail or e-mail

1. Introduce yourself

When you get through to a prospect say: 

Hello my name is Sydney with Frontier / Coutts Courier

2. Obtain permission to continue

Without waiting for the prospect to respond, immediately ask the following question:

Have I caught you in the middle of something?

So, the whole opener should sound like: “Hello, Jim, I’m Sydney from Frontier / Coutts Courier. Have I caught you in the middle of something?” Exactly like that.

In most cases, the prospect will respond one of three ways:

· “It’s always a bad time, but what’s this all about?”

· “No, this is not a bad time. What can I do for you?”

· “I’m in the middle of something. Call me later this afternoon.”

If you get the third response, go to Step 3.

Otherwise, skip Step 3 and proceed directly to Step 4.

3. Reschedule the conversation

You: Thanks, I’ll call you then.

Make a note in your calendar to call again at that time. Call back at the time that you committed to do so. If your prospect answers the phone, proceed to Step 4.

However, if when you call back, you land in voicemail, leave this message:

You: Joe, you asked that I call you around this time, but it looks like you’re out. Call me at (877) 704-3727 ext 183, but if I don’t hear back from you by this Friday, I’ll call you on Tuesday.

Then call back when you said you would. When you get finally through, proceed to Step 4.

4. Continue the conversation

You: I know I’m calling you out of the blue, but sometimes if I don’t know anyone at the company I’m calling, this is the only way to develop a relationship. All I want to do right now is quickly introduce myself, my firm, and my offering.

As I mentioned, I’m with Frontier / Coutts Courier and we help companies with courier services to (location) and I was wondering how to best position myself to determine if our product may be a fit for you?

Most of the time, the prospect will either continue the conversation or point you at somebody who is more appropriate. In either case, you’ve successfully made the cold call and are moving the sale forward. Congratulations!

5a. Have a conversation

about what we do we deliver a lot of shipments to (x town) as we deliver for UPS and other

5b. Ask qualifying questions

a) Do you use courier services for parcel delivery?

b) How many deliveries do you have a week?

c) Where are the shipments from?

d) Do you pay for the courier services?

e) How do you decide which courier to use?


Create an Outline for the Call

I think when a lot of salespeople think of a sales script, they think of a page with a number of sentences and paragraphs that the salesperson can read from. This format for a sales script if not the best for a couple of reasons.

First, this type of cold call script will typically be a document that the salesperson is more likely to read from and that will not lead to the best impression and sales performance. Another reason this is not the optimum way to go is that you never know how a call is going to go and a linear sequence of sentences that does not provide much flexibility for the salesperson. This is why we recommend that you use more of an outline for your telephone script template. This is referring to breaking down your document or template into sections of a call that the salesperson can work through.

Here are some examples of sections that you can break your telephone script template into:

· Introduction

· Attention Grabbing Statement

· Pre-Qualifying Questions

· Common Pain Points

· Product and Company Info

· Closing Options

Building Your Attention Grabbing Statement

We recommend that you open your call with some sort of attention grabbing statement. This can either be an example of the value that you offer, the pain points you help to fix, or a name drop example.

Here is an example of using a value proposition as an attention grabbing statement.

The purpose of my call is that we help managers with inside sales reps to make their team more successful in the areas of outbound phone prospecting and lead generation

Identify the Pain Points that You Help to Fix

As you work to fill in your telephone script template, it can be good to identify the pain points that your product helps with. Putting these in your sales script and having them in front of you when cold calling will make you more prepared for different directions a call can go.

If the prospect is wanting to learn more on how you help, share some of the pain points to explain and build interest. If the prospect expresses that they do not need what you have, share some of the pain points to make sure they are correct.

Compose Some Pre-Qualifying Questions

One of the most important sections of your cold call script is a section that lists out good questions to ask. There are a lot of different types of questions that you can ask prospects, but we feel like the best type of questions to ask during a short cold call is pre-qualifying questions.

These are very soft probing questions that help you to learn a little more about how things are going on the prospects side. If these are designed correctly, they should help to you determine if there is potentially a fit or need for your product.

Remember: Have a Conversation

One final, important note: Do not read the script, under any circumstances. Instead, practice the script as written, and then practice it from memory–so that the words emerge naturally, as if you just thought of them, the moment you began speaking.

Also, when you ask a question as part of the conversation, stop and actually listen to the customer. Don’t plow through like a carnival pitchman. This is about having a conversation, not about getting the words out of your mouth.

An Example of a Voicemail Script for Sales

Hi Michael,

This is Sydney Anderson with Frontier / Coutts Courier

We help businesses with deliveries to (X)

· We are in town every day

· Have a dispatch person locally in Regina

· Online dispatch system to automate pickups and deliveries

I don’t know if you are interested in those benefits and that is why I am reaching out.

I will try you again later in the week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is (877) 704-3727 ext 183

Again this is Sydney Anderson with Frontier / Coutts Courier at (877) 704-3727 ext 183. Thanks and I look forward to talking with you soon.

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